Language Lab

Language Lab

I want to be smart by using research!

* indicates required

Why research? Research is “the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.” Put another way: it’s intel on how to work happier, smarter, and more effectively.

But based on this survey from the Science of Philanthropy Initiative, only 20% of nonprofits had tested their fundraising efforts in the past year. Only 7% of organizations who responded to that survey “deliberately seek out scientific research studies for information regarding effective fundraising methods when designing their campaigns.”

So likely you’re not using research.

Why wouldn’t you (smart soul that you are) use research?

Based on the aforementioned survey, it would appear there are three main things standing between you and your ability to use research to increase your awesome factor.

  1. You’re not confident interpreting research.
  2. You don’t have the time.
  3. You don’t have the money.

So here’s the deal: Claxon is going to interpret the research for you, so no need to worry about that anymore. Whew!

Now all you have to do is sign up and join thousands of other smart people who are using research to make them smarter, happier, and more successful. (Sign up box is at the top of the page. Go for it.)

Do you communicate as effectively as you think?


Do you communicate as effectively as you think?