The Major Gifts Symposium Gets Sexy

afpAFP-WA’s Major Gifts Symposium was a downright sexy affair.

It all started when Peter Drury of DZO Strategists explained that many boards were engaged in risky business and weren’t using protection. (Goodness!) Peter’s contention is that if success is gauged solely on whether you achieve this year’s cash goals, you might put your organization at risk long-term.  Luckily, he offered protection in the form of the Beyond Cash Fundraising Dashboard.

Then at lunch, Susan Howlett was on fire as she gave a smouldering keynote that involved a life-size picture of Michelangelo’s David. Eventually David got some clothes on, but it took some doing. If you want to learn what the clothes-less David has to do with inspiring leaders to raise money joyfully, check out Susan’s new book, Boards on Fire.

We left the Symposium feeling incredibly proud and honored to be part of Seattle’s sexy–and seriously talented, committed and inspiring–nonprofit community.

Has anyone read Susan’s book or used the Beyond Cash Fundraising Dashboard? What do you think of these home-grown tools?

Do you communicate as effectively as you think?


Do you communicate as effectively as you think?