Earlier this week, I was invited to give a workshop for 501 Commons volunteers. My advice to get off message raised a few eyebrows. Don’t we want everyone ‘on message’?! Nope, you want them ‘on belief’. Here’s what I mean.
You aren’t successful if every single person in your organization answers the question: “What does your organization do?” in the exact same way.
You’re successful if everyone answers that question using your 3 key words in a way that reinforces what you want to be known for with passion, energy and conviction.
Supporters want to engage with an organization that has a compelling way of addressing a cause they care about.
Word-for-word ends up being robotic. Robotic isn’t compelling.
Worry less about being “on message” and more about attracting staff and board who are “on belief”–you’ll go further, faster and with less effort.
(Here’s guidance on how to help your organization find its 3 key words.)