[This is the latest weekly post from our intern, Tessa. You can find all her posts here.]
Editing (improving your initial writing) and proofreading (final reviewing before publishing) require much more than finding grammar or spelling mistakes. You have to remember to pay attention to flow, keep a consistent voice, eliminate jargon, etc. It’s a lot to keep track of. Even the experienced writer can forget to check for everything when reviewing their (or others’) work.
Recently, I stumbled across some articles that offered such a simple solution that I was surprised I hadn’t though of it sooner…. The ever-handy checklist!
HubSpot and Quick and Dirty Tips put together these amazing checklists (one even printable) to have by your side while editing and proofreading:
Your Essential Proofreading Checklist: 10 Things You Can’t Forget
Grammar Girl’s Editing Checklist
Bookmark them and/ or print them. Now. You’ll thank me. Happy revising!