New Research Shows More Than 50% of Nonprofits Don’t Have a Website

Would this little girl be able to find your nonprofit online?
Would this little girl be able to find your nonprofit online?

When we did the research for The Wordifier–the free online tool that helps you increase your impact by amplifying your words–we stumbled upon a very interesting (and startling) finding: more than 50% of nonprofits don’t have a website.

Actually, to be specific, what we can say is that we are 95% confident that 46.33% to 49.03% of nonprofits DO have websites. Meaning we’re 95% confident that a tidge over 50% do NOT.*

Think about that for a minute: A potential donor hears about your organization. They want to learn more. They go online. They search for your organization. If you’re a nonprofit, there’s only a 50/50 chance they’ll find you because there’s only a 50% chance you’re easily found online. That’s a VBP: a Very Big Problem.

No matter how amazing, compelling, and wonderous your work is, people aren’t going to put in a lot of effort into learning more about you. They’re busy and have bigger fish to fry.

Bottom line: The easier you make it for people to find you, the easier you make it for them to support your work.

Your next step: Search for your organization’s name on-line. Do you show up on the first page of search results? If not, making that happen should be a top priority for your organization.

***Knowing which words to use when talking about your organization is key to your on-line strategy. If you’re unsure about the words you’re using, check out Claxon University’s course, Words on a Mission. Might be the Rolaids for your messaging-related indigestion.***

*Just so we’re clear on what we mean by “no website”: we mean when pulling our sample, we didn’t find an independent url for ~50+% of the nonprofits for which we were searching. Some might have had an online presence, e.g. Facebook pages or a webpage on a connected, but separate organization. For instance, it’s very common for Friends of the Library and PTAs/PTSAs to have a web presence as a page on the related organization’s site, but often not their very own site. Other organizations, businesses, social clubs, or even other nonprofits with a foundation or scholarship might have mentioned the 501c3 arm, or maybe just mention that they have a scholarship, but it is the parent organization that has the website, so that didn’t count.

Is ‘community’ a lousy word or what?

architecture*A Super Quick Primer on Content Words and Function Words*

Content words give meaning to the contents of what we’re saying. They make it possible for us to create a mental image.

Function words make our sentences grammatically correct. They give us structure. Examples include riveting words like: a, an, and the.

We need both. Our brains don’t notice function words. Their job is to be like language ninjas–to get the job done without being noticed. So, from the perspective of using language to stand out from the crowd, content words are where it’s at.

Now back to the question at hand: is ‘community’ a lousy word?

Our research revealed that nonprofits use the word ‘community’ more than any other content word.

When you clack it into the Wordifier, you’re going to get a big ol red light that tells you to stop using it because it is sooooooooooooooo overused viewers of your website won’t notice it. So, in that way, yes, it’s a lousy word.

What’s a community-focused organization like you to do? You’re going to have to use the darn word at some point.

Think like an architect.

If you’re building a house, you have to have a foundation, walls, supporting beams, a roof, windows, etc. But there’s wide latitude in how an architect puts these elements together.

Ditto for how you talk about your organization. If you’re writing a sentence, you’ll need nouns and verbs and function words. If you’re focused on your community, at some point you’re going to have to use that word. The question is: what can you surround the word with to make it stand out?

What do you really mean by community? Do you actually mean neighborhood? Or maybe you mean your school community?

Can you add an adjective to qualify it? Maybe spunk up the sentence with (gasp!) an adverb?

Don’t just write your sentences–architect them. Bring the elements together strategically for maximum effect.

FYI: We cover this in much greater depth in Claxon University’s course Words on a Mission. Go here and you can preview the course!

A Rant About Research & Ridiculousness

“So you actually did the research for the Wordifier yourselves? Woah, that’s a lot of work. No one does that.” 

This is what an Executive Director said to me after a recent speaking engagement.

She works for an organization that empowers women and girls around the world. (For the purposes of this post, let’s call her Ellie…because that has nice alliteration with Executive Director, doesn’t it?)

Ellie had just put the word “empower” into the Wordifier and found out international organizations use the word  more than any other sub-sector. She had a hunch it was overused, and they should probably look at other words, but now she had proof!

That’s the power of research–it can turn a hunch into a proven fact. And that’s powerful.

**Begin wee rant**

The social good sector invests very, very little in primary research, meaning research you collect by going out and collecting the information yourself about a topic of specific interest to you. For instance, at Claxon we were curious about how nonprofits used language so we pulled every single word off of a statistically significant sample of nonprofit websites. (You can read more about our research methodology here.)

Pretty much ever other industry invests heavily in primary research. Insurance, finance, accounting, education, consumer products, etc etc etc.

Let’s play this out.

Investment advisers don’t sit down with clients and say, “Well, I was thinking about it and, by golly, I think we should invest in this company here. Now, I don’t have any data to back that up, but I say we go for it.”

Um, no.

They say, “I’ve looked at 30 years of research and here’s how I interpret it, and, based on that, what I’d advise.”

True, in the social good sector, we tend to have fewer resources than some of these other industries (#understatement). But we’re also doing more important work. So doesn’t it make sense to have the very best information possible to do that work?!!!!!! (Ridiculous number of exclamation points purposefully added to communicate the ridiculousness of this state of affairs.)

Also true that there is value in listening to our guts. Our gut instincts tend to be very good guides. My contention is: guts+data=awesomeness.

I don’t see an easy, obvious answer to getting more funds so the social good sector can invest in primary research. It’s a long-term investment with no guarantee of near-term positive outcomes, i.e. you don’t know if what you learn will translate directly into feeding more people, curing cancer, or a better education.

But just because there isn’t an easy answer doesn’t mean we should give up. I’m certainly not going to! I’m going to keep my research soapbox handy, yes I am. Because I firmly believe more research will lead to more good in the world.

This belief is reinforced every time I talk to someone like Ellie or get an email from someone who has used the Wordifier, switched up their language and gone on to raise more money, recruit more volunteers and/or finally get their dream board member to say yes to being on their board.

**End wee rant**

Claxon invests in statistically significant research so that people like you who are changing the world know precisely how to change your words. Guessing is inefficient and time-consuming. Changing the world is a big job so you likely don’t have extra time on your hands. Am I right?

Thus, research.

Thus, the Wordifier.

Is this research expensive? Yes.

Is it worth it? Yes. Every penny. Every brain cramp. Every everything.

If you are interested in primary research specific on philanthropy and social good, check out the stupendously amazing work of Professors Adrian Sargent and Jen Shang over at Study Fundraising.

Claxon University’s course Words on a Mission also teaches organizations a lot about how to gather actionable information that will help them better dazzle their supporters and reach their goals. Worth checking out.



So few words. Such a very BIG problem.

Interesting anWordifierSmalld troubling fact: The top 1% of words used by nonprofits make up 65% of all the words you use.

Compare this to income disparity: The richest 1% of people in the world control ~50% of the wealth. That’s a distressing disparity. And the disparity we see in terms of nonprofits and language is even bigger!

Let me put that another way: You are using the same words again and again and again and again and zzzzzz….sorry, nodded off. Because when we see/hear the same words all the time, we stop paying attention to them. You can’t afford to have people stop paying attention to your work. Your work, your mission, your vision are way too important to be ignored.

I came at this from a slightly different angle when I introduced you to Super Verb last week. I wanted to underscore this point because it’s REALLY, SUPER, DUPER IMPORTANT.

Pro Tip: If you make no other shift in how you’re using words to engage more people more deeply in your work, start by swapping out one word that you use all the time. Just one. (A verb would be a great choice since they’re the superheroes of every sentence.) That one change will vivify your messaging. And that’s all good.

The Wordifier can help you with this task. And Super Verb, of course, stands at the ready to help you in your quest to find heroic words!

If you want to get serious about making your words as heroic as your work, check out Claxon University. Doors open officially on June 1.


[New Infographic] It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s….Super Verb!

We learned so much from the research we did for The Wordifier. We’re still sifting through it all. But one thing was immediately, shockingly, riveting-ly evident: nonprofits are using so few words it’s worrisome. 

We decided this was a problem so big it warranted it’s very own superhero. Thus, Super Verb was born!

(You knew if Claxon was going to create a superhero it was going to be a verb, right?)

Check out the infographic and then go find more heroic words!


































Alert, alert: We’ve got a gratitude deficit on our hands!

thank you in metal typeIn sifting through the data from our Wordifier research (the free tool that helps you amplify your words), I came across a startling–and depressing–discovery:  Not all nonprofits are thanking their supporters!

Gasp. Sigh. Forehead slap. Yipes!

The word ‘thank’ (as in ‘Thank you’) showed up on 54.3% of the websites. ‘Thanks’ made an appearance on 34.6% of the sites.

If we’re being generous, that means that some form of gratitude shows up on 88.9% of nonprofit websites. But in perusing the raw data, it looks like organizations who use one of these words, also use the other, meaning organizations that loverize their donors double down on that love, i.e. some form of gratitude likely doesn’t show up on 88.9% of the websites, but rather a smaller number of websites.

That there are any nonprofits with gratitude-less websites hanging out on the interwebs should be a wake-up call to us all. Gratitude is free, bountiful and feels awesome to give and receive. Here’s a Language Lab podcast devoted to the amazingness that is gratitude.

When we gather the Wordifier data in future years, I want us to be living in a world free of gratitude-less websites.

Thank YOU, dear reader, for being awesome and amazing and doing the wonderful work you do to change the world!


Vulnerable language. Fabulous life?

Claxon_Podcast_bubblesI recently read Brene Brown’s book, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.

Rocked. My. World.

That’s what I have to say about that book.

Like Brene, I’m not one who cozies up naturally to vulnerability. It often leads to pain and who wants that? Not me. But what I had failed to realize was the missed opportunities when we avoid being vulnerable. And it’s those opportunities, those moments, that make for a stupendously fabulous life.

My research on The Wordifier made it crystal clear that we are very conservative in our language usage. We’re all using the same words over and over and over again. There are lots of reasons for this, surely. But I believe one of them has to do with our willingness–or lack thereof–to put ourselves out there. To use words others aren’t using. To be linguistically bold and, therefore, vulnerable.

In this Language Lab podcast, I explain what I mean:


My challenge to you is to dare greatly when it comes to your words. Use words that others aren’t. The Wordifier can help guide you to some not oft used gems. Your words should be as awesome and unique as you are. Go for it!

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Introducing The Wordifier!

WordifierLogo_noClaxonWe are overjoyed to announce the arrival of our newest (and dare we say spiffiest?) tool to the Claxon family–The Wordifier!!!

What the heck is The Wordifier?

The simple answer is that it’s an amplifier for your words.

The slightly more in-depth answer is that it’s a tool based on research we did to figure out what words nonprofits were using to talk about their work.

You see, the more a word is used, the less likely someone is to  notice that word. It’s just how our brains work. We crave new-ness. So we figure, give the people–and their brains–what they want. Use words that others aren’t using and you dramatically up the odds that someone will pay attention.

We decided nonprofits needed this information. Yet it was nowhere to be found. We felt that was unacceptable and decided to do something about it.

Research. What research?

Here’s what we did to rectify this problem of not knowing what words nonprofits were using.

We pulled a random, yet representative, sample of 2,503 nonprofit websites. Then we partnered with Community Attributes to create a tool that would tell us which words were used most often and who was using what words.

That makes it sound easy. It wasn’t, trust me. But it was worth it because now you have a tool that will tell you exactly which words you should stop using, use with caution, or use all you want. And it’s, like, statistically significant. #OMG

Go ahead. Give it a whirl.



















We’re just starting to sift through everything our research reveals about nonprofits and language. We will be sharing everything we learn with you!

BTW, if you play with The Wordifier and have a suggestion for how we can improve it, pretty please let us know. This tool is  meant to be useful, actionable, helpful, etc! So let us know your ideas in the comments, on Facebook, or Twitter using #Wordifier!



Do you communicate as effectively as you think?


Do you communicate as effectively as you think?